WWII — A look at the Pop Culture of & Two New Releases …plus exclusive on the USS Mayo…and just in time for the Holidays.
I can think of no other way to kick this article off then taking in the Andrew Sisters and the Boogie Woogie Boy of Company B. This was one of the biggets hits of the early ’40s and World War II. In fact it was one the most requested songs period.
***Shout out to all the women of World War II- The Early ’40s. It was a time of adapting. Of change. Pitching in and lending a hand. Support. Filling in where needed.
Before we delve in to these delightfully entertaining and most informative works lets take a trip through the very essence of time and space to another era- the ’40s.
Sending care packages to loved ones over seas and away during the war years were such a key thing to keep the spirits of the ones who served up. Ads reflecting this attitude-the message was everywhere. Posters, magazines and comic books. Such a simple thing as baking some Toll House Chocolate Chip cookies for those in service could boost a persons morale to such a level.
One thing that never changes is memories of home. Got milk!!!
Hollywood Victory-a TCM book and Apocalypse 45 on Bluray from Kino Lorber
This year and more precise in just a few weeks will mark the 80th anniversary of an infamous day in Decemeber that Pearl Harbor was attacked mercissously and methodically by Japan. That day was Dec12th 1941. From that moment on we were a part ofWorld War II. It affected our very cultural and way of life. How we viewed ourselves and it also brought this country together in ways no one probably even thought was possible. In fact it even affected the movies, entertainment business- Hollywood at large. This is that story. I will give you a taste of what it was like during those times 1941–1945 and review of a brand new book from Turner Classic Movies.
Hollywood Victory by Christian Blauvelt is nothing short of breakthrough story telling-with a highly perceptive concept and design. It is chuck full of an amassive amount of trivia and historical information along with some immersive insight as to what went on in front and behind the scenes of Hollywood during a country and it’s allies-our allies at war.
It’s full title Hollywood Victory-The Movies, Stars, and Stories of World War II.
Devided into five parts plus a section for acknowledgements, index, bibliography and notes.
Part one Storm Clouds 1933–41
Jimmy Stewart gets his Wings-Disney Down the South American Way-Boms, Bullets and Bananas-Carmen Miranda
Part Two- Day of Infamy and Aftermath1941–42
Peral Harbor? Becomes a household word. Up to then barely anyone really understood where it was… it’s part of America?
50 Movie Stars board a Train-Ichty Trigger Fingers…Jimmy Stewart and John Garfield-The loss of Carole Lombard… and the devesting blow to the country and Clark Gable…Why We Fight
Part Three-Turning Points 1942–43
Thanks for the Memories-Bob Hope and the USO tours, Orson Welles and the South American excursusion- Good Neighbor Policy-Thr Hollywood Canteen. Fleeing the Nazis…
Prat Four-The New Normal 1943–44
The Pin Up-Rise of Youth Culture-Actor Leslie Howard(plane crash takes his life), Stars in Uniform and Drawing Up Propaganda…Disney style and thanks to Donald Duck -Going My Way…
and Part Five-A New World, A New Hollywood 1944-
Victory-The Cold War begins
Coming Home-The Best Years of Our Lives(1946) wins big at the OSCARS and sweeps the box-office. ***This is a must see movie*** A story about returning home after war, whats changed and how do you rejoin society. Every performance is top notch. Fredic March, Dana Andrews and Harold Russell(received -Two Oscars for same film)
Hollywood Victory tells both the glamour and the hard reality of what our country and it’s people endured on and off the screen and the not so welcome home welcome that all, deserved after serving their country and putting their life on the line to defend the ideas of freedom and Democracy that each and every person on this planet should be afforded to them. As you read below in the following paragraph.
There are stories covering film productions including Casablanca that featured an almost entire supporting cast made of individuals who fled Germany in order to escape Nazi rule and in some cases imprisonment. One on the start of the Hollywood Canteen discussing John Garfields idea Bette’ Davis. Her wanting to help in the war effort (doing something here on the home front)helped make this come true.There by establishing a place where the soldiers and military could go to unwind and be enteratined as well as have an opportunity to dance- hob nob with the stars who at times may be making cameos as hat & coat checkers, servers and cooks or doing stand up and singing for those about to ship out. You might on a given night find Gary Cooper, Jack Benny, Bob Hope and or Hedy Lamarr in any one of these duties.
Some of the stories are not all full of glitz & glitter. There is one detailing a young African American soldier who upon his return state side- a mere 3 hours back on home soil was arrested and accosted by a local sheriff. To the extent that after several jabs to his eyes was blinded for the rest of his life. Imagine serving several months abroad defending his country and not suffering one scratch-yet he ends up beaten up physically by a supposed defender of the law. Outrageous is not even close to describing how I feel or how any one should feel. Appalled is what I felt after reading this.
One thing aside from the one instance I mention is that for most Americans we seemed to come together as a Nation. Everybody doing what they could to help out and contribute in some way making it possible for not only our part of the world but the whole world to survive and at least this battle against a truly evil ambition — to achieve victory and freedom.
To check out more from TCM Books it’s the TCM Shop…where all great cinema stories are just waiting to be discovered…
*** Trivia- Back at home —
Well what happened to all the guys-the men that held down jobs like construction and repairs -road grading-service stations, car repairs.. Hey can you fill ‘er up and a quart of oil..please , you know check under the hood? Ans: They were on the battle lines, shipping out over seas and dodging bullets. So women became part of the owrk force and filled in those careers and jobs that had been up to that pint part of “a mans world”.
Apocalypse 45 — Detailing the year 1945 in the Pacific during World War II.
(Now on Bluray from Kino Lorber)
Discovery Films released this incredible flm that covers the last year of the war and the allied defence forces with several interviews with soldiers, officers and observers from both sides of what I hope is something this world nevers the likes of again. Capturing the horrors of war. Graphic and most revealing along with the comments for those first hand survivors it is the closet you could possibly come to being there yourself. A place no one wants to be.
Featuring stunning photography captured in real time both from the ground, sea and aerial ….
45 covers all the last major offensives by the allies(US, United Kingdom, Australia and Canada), the battles both on land and sea. Leading to the dropping of the 2 atomic bombs both on Nagasaki and Hiroshima.
Released theatrically early this year and now getting the deserved Bluray release from Kino Lober with all the fixins-extras-bonus material. However you call it I say these additionals are a must see. In fact one of these feature length extras was a culmination of famed movie director-John Fords journey to Hawaii, to be more exact Peral Harbor after Japan had done extensive damage and desytroyed and damaged what was thought to be most of our fleeton Dec 7th 1941. John ventured there in January of 1942. What makes the beginning of this beautifully crafted editing shows Hawaii trhen and now just to give you an idea how it has changed. The footage is something has not seen the light of day til now.
Below-For more about and more from Kino Lorber
- **Briefly mentioned in the film
Operation Downfall-code name for the invasion of Japan.
Whats not in Apocalpse 45 is this-One the invasion had planned out to the last detail. 100’s of ships-in fact all manner of transportation was to be involved all aboard these sailin vessels/ships. And the amount of personnel including ground support was astronomical greater than D-Day. It was thought aside from the initial onslaught that it may take months to a year or more and thousands iof casulities before the war would be over. This was it. an all out. But…
It was an invasion that never took place due to an unforseen force of nature- a cyclone that caused the entire invasion fleet made up of the united allies to head out to sea in order to ride out the storm .. While this was happening and the fleet was getting tossed around … the decision to drop the town atomic bombs-one on Nagasaki and the other on Hiroshima was made. The rest is history. Due to the complete destruction of the two cities and the surrounding towns Japan surrendered unconditionally…
- **Extra-Extra-Exclusive-
What is not common knowledge is that the Coast Gaurd at one time operated as a branch of the Military. My pop served in the Coast Gaurd during WW II. It was the last time before becoming explicitly part of homeland security. Now in the case of the USS Mayo this was a unique crew comprised of the Coast Gaurd who ran & sailed the ship responsible for the day to day duties required to get the ship from point A to point C. On board was beside the CG were a special unit made up of Marines, Navy and the Army. The unit as devoted to intelligence gathering and Black Ops. Mostly night time operations Island hopping.
These fact finding missions were under stealth conditions, secret and need to know. It also involved maintaining complete radio silence until that particular assignment was over. Another was as a Sub-Chaser. In fact my dad indicated that there were several times when the Mayo was being chased themselves. The tables being turned.. but none the less.The Mayo coming out on top or out running their would be pursuers.
Below: three of my dads best friends on board — from left to right- Chuck, Al and Tony. Tony had a John Garfield look to him…
Now all this cloak and dagger was mixed with regular troop transport also. Especially as the war in the Pacific was changing and the Allies were able to advance and the Japanese were falling back towards their homeland.
_ Also the USS Mayo was part of Operation Downfall.
***Victor Mature on board- He was one of the crew.
*** for the more on this, the USS Mayo and the Hollywood connection click here…
Pop Culture of WW II-
Recruiting posters had the opposite sex in their sights but sometimes it was just to make an analogy…
Two distinct forms of art emerged and or flourished-even benefitted from the war. Both of these: The art of the Pin Up and Comic Books were embraced by the public, the Military and the “guys” on the frontline. Both brought a relief from the stress and tension at home and abroad. Stars, actresses, enteratiners, models and yes “home town” gals were participating in photo shoots and posing for artists- all doing their part to boost morale for the “boys’ over yonder.
Anne Gwynne doing her part for the War…
Pin Ups- The pin up gained popularity during WW II and continued to grow thru the early ’50s with service personel. During the ’40s and the War it was not just models but starlets-actresses that posed for these more candid shots always with a catchy background or something more homespun-maybe even down on the farm or in costume — a theme like Halloween. Even Chris Pines’ Grandma who played in many B- Films did an awesome set of pics including this one that even sports a balck cat for good measure…
Or how ‘bout the Holidays to spark morale-
Now not all Pin Ups were “live action” photos many were artists renderings based on photos-photo shoots and posing by various models and actresses in costume and on sets.
Charlie McCarthy as a Jack in the Box- who’s more surprised?
Don’t forget those calendars — Like the ones that use to grace the walls of your local service station … remember buy War Bonds…
Nose art -
There’s Bugs
There’s Bugs
And then there’s Bunny-Honey Bunny!!!
Comic Books-
The comic book cover below if you take a peak to your right top corneris what would bcome a common sight on, inside and on the back of comic books and magazines- Buy War Bonds and Stamps For Victory!- I add this !!!. more exclamations. Lets get’er done “boys”.
Check out the ad for the USO appearing in a then current issue of Pocket Comics(-always 100 pages. Loaded with adventure and humor, ready to take the edge off off your day or the days assignment…)
Then there was Military Comics and the lead/supporting character, Blackhawk. He would survive 3 title changes and a transition to a new publisher-DC comics. Spanning over 75 years…But in the years of WW II this comic would promise stories fdrom not one two secxetions of the service-the Army and the Navy…
Hey even comedic strips and one page shots became the rage in comics and paving the way for a most famous and iconic magazine … known for it’s stories, center folds, one page cartoons, “Bunnies” and Little Annie Fannie. None other than Playboy-but that’s another story.
But for now I give you the most humorous Army and Navy Fun. A 100 pages at it’s prime run.
Solid with short stories, one liners, one page gags and pics. Scattered throughout each issue.
Solid with short stories, one liners, one page gags and pics. Scattered throughout each issue.
For more om the history of Comic Books check out Comic Book Plus- a free site that offers full digitized comic books in a very user friendly format, excellent search engine. And that’s not all, magazines as well get the treatment. And more and more material added every day.
Another source is Drive Thru Comics-Own the comic in a digital format.
’40s music-
Christmas …not one of but the best selling record of all time is a Christmas song…written by Irving Berlin and song by one of the most famous crooners-Me Velvet as in smooth himself, Bing Crosby. Initially recorded on a cylinder which had to be re-recorded in ’47 because it had been copied so many times…
Radio was king!!!
Television was in it’s infancy.
It was radio that brought adventure, comedy and drama all on a small box(or at times a very heavy, large cabinet style — keep in mind wood was the common denominator)in to their living room and bedrooms. No picture- just lights and numbers on a dial. But people would tune in by the thousands to millions for their favorite broadcasts.
They were wisked away to other realms and fictionalized stories. These chacraters or actors and shows which included Jack Benny, The Green Hornet,
Inner Sanctum, I Love a Mystery, Boston Blackie,
The Great Gildersleeve, Red Ryder(remember the rifle every kid wantedf for Christmas), Fred Allen,
Your’s truly, Johnny Dollar(The man with private expense account) and Sherlock Holmes. Just scratching the surface.
***Companies like Cobra, Westinghouse, Crossley, RCA, Zenith(see above image), Emerson, Philco and more. There was very few households that did not have a radio.
Here is a list of ’40s Radio Shows/series-
Medium — we’re right around the corner and only a click away…
And don’t forget to check out Medium-where good stories are not only written but they’re just wating to be read!!!
To all you readers thanks for spending some time with me on this trivia venture-For now I wish you all happy Holidays and the best in the New Year…
Til next time this is Doc saying “Goodnight Miss Lee where ever you are?”
Trailer for White Christmas-
1954 starring Bing Crosby and Danny Kaye -taking place during WW II and then shortly after the the war has ended … sparking picture filmed in then new Vista Vision( developed to keep people returing to the theaters) from Paramount Pictures. One of my favorites for the holidays and loaded with song, dance and comedy and just the right touch of good old fashioned values.
Pics for Coloring- a rivieting performance…
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