Remo Williams-The Adventure Begins (1985) Special Edition on Bluray -directed by Bond veteran Guy Hamilton. Starring Fred Ward as the iconic Remo Williams from the best-selling book series of the ‘70s-’80s, The Destroyer. With Joel Gray as Chuin his trainer in all that is Shinan Jui. The Korean art of assassination. The film won an Oscar for Best Makeup. Produced by Dick Clark. (Mr. American Bandstand himself).
Remo was based on a character created by Warren Murphy and Richard Sapir in 1971. The Destroyer series were novels mainly for the pulp/paperback fans of the Doc Savage/Conan crowd went to take advantage of the kung fu mania that was gripping the country and on an international level as well.
Working for a mysterious government agency that did not exist with the exception of the President of the United States having any kind of link to the 4 individuals who made up this purely black op organization. Traveling the world on various assignments/missions. Pure escapism there has been over 150 novels. And still as popular…