Member-only story
National Comic Book Day-well in my house it’s every day, but especially today.
I hope you can say that you are able to reach under your bed and pull out a stack of comic books. If not what are you waiting for. Get out to the comic shop … unless you happen to have a chest at the end of your bed. For back in the day — -’50s, ’60s & ’70s most kids had a chest there. Loaded with all their prized possessions. And that included comic. Don’t take my word for it-see for yourself.
These chests I refer to were styled or actually were “army” footlockers or quote-a toy chest. I am pretty sure that is what they eventually became known as.
Now back to today. It is National Comic Book Day. Another day in the month of September we celebrate the heritage of comics (Batman Day was a week ago. And like Charlie and gang above we are supposed to be paying tribute to and enjoying a…