Chris Nersinger
7 min readMar 20, 2021


Ain’t Hell Up In Harlem or is it- Just Another Funky Friday?!!!!


Black Godfather’s Mad…and that’s REAL BAD!

Black Caesar Gibbs has the Mafia on the run, the man on the lam and he’s taking over the town.

Black Godfather is back…and there’s gonna be Hell up in Harlem.

He may never get to heaven, but he’s raisin’ Hell up in Harlem.

There is nothing short a late, breezy pop song coming well in the waning days of disco but ringing in another the era..but I can’t think of another song better to send us on our journey on this … another Funky Friday and bring another talented actor- Fred Williamson to Reviews on the Edge with a hard hitting Blaxploitation film….

as we get ready to Steal Away…take us back Robbie.

Now all the while Dr John was heating up the stage in the 70’s and working that voodoo magic .. Fred Williamson was bringing Hell up in Harlem-1973 and Olive Films is proving that lightening does strike twice especially when it comes to Bluray releases and that particular title because as extras go it is blessed with an audio commentary that is just as fun as the movie. Larry Cohen — the films director is entertaining, mesmerizing and really paints a picture of what it was like making/producing films in the 1970’s. Accomplishing stunts and just being sheer ballzy when grabbing location shoots on the side walks of New York. Having cameras mounted inside cabs and other cars while flying down the sidewalks watching and hoping that people would jump out of the way just plain would not happen today …the fact that he never obtained permission or a permit was not going to keep Larry from getting the shot.

Larry Cohen is a B-Movie auteur and should be familiar to fans through his science fiction and horror films. He is not only a director but movie producer and screenwriter. Many of his films usually include some type of police procedural with the plot element. Getting his start via NBC and learning how to master the construction of teleplays he crafted one of the most iconic sci fi Television series of the later 60’s and gave people a reason to be afraid of aliens trying to take over our world .. mixing the plots of the Fugitive with conspiracy theories he gave us The Invaders and one can see some of this even in the main driving force of the X-Files. A brief overview of his body of work includes episodes of The Defenders, The Fugitive, Cool Million, Columbo, & films- Return of the Seven, the It’s Alive franchise, Q and The Stuff. Today he is concentrating on screenwriting and was the creative force behind the riveting thriller Phone Booth starring Colin Ferrell and Kiefer Sutherland. Thanks Larry for scary the heck out of all us at some point in time during our lives…especially those extra fingered beings from another planet who love to sniff carbon monoxide.

The movie itself sizzles when Fred Williamson is on camera and pumping up the volume on the soundtrack is none other than the man himself-Edwin Starr. Fred stars in what is the sequel to Black Caesar which details the rise of Tony Gibbs as the Black Godfather who takes on the mob while trying to control the streets of Harlem. From the opening car chase up and over the sidewalks of N.Y City to the underwater sneak attack on the mafia this movie has enough action and stunts to satisfy any action-adventure fan. Spear guns, shoot outs and out right chop sockey fare…Fred is drop kicking his way thru the corrupt cops, officials and the mob and he’s not taking any prisoners. So if you want to know if he survives a second time you’ll have to tune and fire up your Bluray.

Olive has done a tremendous job supplying the original trailer and the superb and often times jaw dropping audio commentary from Larry Cohen and providing a fantastic print and sound for this release. New York looks spectacular and often times gritty , a reminder of the the times in Harlem during the 70’s. Clear audio using DTS Technolgy helps you enjoy and appreciate the soundtrack. The songs by Edwin Starr have a lot of soul combined with rhythm and action oriented score by Fonce Mizell/Freddie Perren.

Above: link to Easin In- one of the more representative tunes of funk heard in the film and a smooth piece that will have you tappin your feet and snappin your fingers…

Above: soundtrack cover-LP -

Fred Williamson or the “Hammer” which was coined when he was just starting out as a professional football player over the course of 8 years and three teams- Pittsburgh Steelers, Oakland Raiders and the Kansas City Chiefs. During these days he was known for his aggressive game play and taking karate blows to his opponents. Fred holds black belts in Kenpo, Shotokan karate and Tae Kwondo and this all before making his way to the big screen and turning in his second performance as the Black Caesar.

A natural switch to films he was still sticking it to the “bad” guy. Just the moves were a little more flamboyant. The results still the same people loved to watch the Hammer knocking heads plus now he was busting down doors too. Fred became a major box-office draw in the 70’s . He became a regular on the series Julia(early 70’s sitcom) early on in his career based on him and the African American community complaining that every episode featured a different boyfriend. After that he appeared in the smash theatrical comedy M.A.S.H. as “spear chucker” Jones. Most of his roles primarily cast him as a tough as nails-no nonsense detective or adventurer.

Film credits include the original Inglorious Bastards and far superior version to Taratinos film (also starring Bo Svenson and directed by Enzio G. Castellari). The movie was one of the last great cheezy internationally produced WWII stories. Blood, guts and an awesome music score…

Other titles in his long lasting career as actor and director are That Man Bolt, the Black Cobra detective film franchise of the 80’s, Vigilante with one of my favorites from my home town-Robert Forster, The Big Score and performing a parody of himself in the comedy I’m Gonna Get Ya Sucka. Well over 60 films to his credit…and still active today with a possible sequel in the works to Original Gangsters.

A personal message to all the wonderful talent- Trina(Parks), Dr John , Larry and Fred. You who have all graced the pages in this edition(& previous). I want to say thanks so much so for all the wonderful memories and the hours of entertainment that you have given me on those rainy days at the bijou or late night TV when we as in me and my buddies were burning the midnight oil on a sleepover. And the music that reminds me of all the right places and wrong times in my life. I will not forgot why I do the things that I do as a result. Gives me clarity and tells me thru those stories and musical notes to persevere.

So until next time this is Doc sayng I gotta go… getting ready to dust off those bell bottom pants and platform shoes and press my madarin collar shirt.cause I’m ready to make my move and saunter on down to the local disco…well on second thought maybe I best find out where the closet karaoke is and luckily it’s that season to dress up …so I guess I’ll just say I’m trying out my new Halloween costume…but we all know better…

*** Funky Friday extra the very first disco hit on the pop charts- Loves Unlimited Orchestra — Love Theme-produced and written by Barry White. Peace out til next time…and remember we are all brothers and sisters just from from different mothers….

Hell Up in Harlem-Bluray original release August 2017-

Olive Films available via Amazon and Olive Films website

Where to listen- Hell Up in Harlem soundtrack is available for streaming as part of Amazon’s Streaming Music Unlimited, as MP3 and the LP is available for purchase.



Chris Nersinger
Chris Nersinger

Written by Chris Nersinger

Was born the year that DR. NO (1962) premiered. His first movie, age 3 -MONSTER ON THE CAMPUS (1958). A writer of all things Pop Culture. Movies, Music, TV. ...

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